App and Web Development

We develop apps for Android/iOS in Flutter, tools and web-scrapers. Our static websites built with Hugo have great performance for a sustainable server infrastructure.

Simple apps

An app should be simple.
This is not limited to the visible product itself, but also to the code and the build automation. The easier it is to use and extend, the more accepted it will be.

Static sites

Let’s be realistic: most pages never or rarely change.
But at the same time most pages are running a heavy CMS like Wordpress, Drupal, etc. that have to do a lot of work CPU-wise for always the same result over and over again.

This is not only increasing server cost, it also reduces the speed of the website.

Enter Static Site Generators.
Build a site that is fully GitOp’ed, fast and sustainable.

Beautiful UI

Life is too short to use ugly software.
Let’s create something that is nice too look at.